Tag Archives: south facing house

North and South Facing Houses

I live in a warm country. We get the sun the whole year around. The only reprieve comes during the rainy season when the sun takes a back seat, but only for a while.

The most popular type of house here is the link house (similar to a town house). These houses share a common wall with their neighbours on the right and left. The primary source of light into the house is from the facing side.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Hence east and west facing houses receive more natural sunlight into the house and are usually warmer than north or south facing houses. Most home owners prefer either a north or south facing house which is cooler but still receive sufficient sunlight. Housing developers pander to house owner’s demand by mostly building north and south facing houses.

There is this popular belief that south facing houses are good for wealth matters (money and career) while north facing houses are not. While this is not necessarily true, it has not stop buyers from snapping up south facing properties ahead of their north facing brothers.

Let’s explore if south facing houses are good for wealth matters.


The chart on the left shows the Flying Star energy chart for a south facing house (more specifically a S2 and S3 house) for the current period. Both the current prosperous mountain and water star 8 are at the facing palace. This type of chart is also known as the “Prosper Wealth but not Prosper Descendants” or “Double Facing” chart. They are good for wealth matters but not necessarily for people matter. Wealth matters usually mean career and money while people matter would roughly translate to relationship and health.

While it appears that south facing houses are good for wealth matters, this is not true for all times. With each period change the position of the current prosperous star changes and may not be at facing palace.

Also do note that this is correct for S2 and S3 houses. S1 facing house have a different chart.

What about north facing houses?


The chart on the left shows the Flying Star energy chart for a north facing house (more specifically a N2 and N3 house) for the current period. Both the current prosperous mountain and water star 8 are at the sitting palace. This type of chart is also known as the “Prosper Descendants buy not Prosper Wealth” or “Double Sitting” chart. They are good for people matters but not necessarily for wealth matter.

Also do note that this is correct for N2 and N3 houses. N1 facing house have a different chart. In fact a N1 facing house has the same chart as a S2 and S3 house while S1 facing house has the same chart as a N2 and N3 house. Or to put it another way, N1, S2 and S3 houses are “Double Facing” or good for wealth matters while S1, N2 and N3 facing houses are “Double Sitting” and good for people matter.

Is a good chart all that is required to have good Feng Shui?

The answer is a resounding no. The surrounding landforms matters. For N1, S2 and S3 houses, the facing of the house should have matching ‘water’. This means having ‘real water’ like river or lake or ‘abstract water’ like a field or playground and preferably lower than the house. Water at the facing, real or otherwise, amplifies the wealth quality of the wealth star at the facing.

Because the mountain star 8 is also in front, people matter may suffer as the mountain falls into water. However practitioners believe that having a mountain at the facing in the distance will correct this and help to improve people matter.

By the same token, for S1, N2 and N3 facing houses, a mountain at the sitting amplifies the people quality (relationship and health) of the house.

Again, many practitioners believe that having water at the sitting of the house before the mountain will help to improve money matter.

Feng Shui Buy House Guide
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