A house that has the prosperous water star at the facing and the prosperous mountain star at the sitting is known as “Prosperous Mountain Prosperous Water“. It is good for people matters (health and relationships) and wealth matters (money and career).
Properties with is configuration in the current period 8 include those with facing directions SW1, NW2, NW3, NE1, SE2 and SE3.
Please refer to the energy chart for a period 8 house facing SW1 below.
The number 8 in the middle indicate a period 8 chart. During this period the most prosperous star or “useful god” is star 8. Where are the mountain and water star 8? They are at the sitting and facing palace, thus fulfilling the conditions for “Prosperous Mountain and Prosperous Water”.
Does that mean that the occupants will have great people and wealth luck? Not necessarily.
Prosperous Mountain Prosperous Water
A house that has the prosperous water star at the facing and the prosperous mountain star at the sitting is known as “Prosperous Mountain Prosperous Water”. It is good for people matters (health and relationships) and wealth matters (money and career).
Properties with is configuration in the current period 8 include those with facing directions SW1, NW2, NW3, NE1, SE2 and SE3.
Please refer to the energy chart for a period 8 house facing SW1 below.
The number 8 in the middle indicate a period 8 chart. During this period the most prosperous star or “useful god” is star 8. Where are mountain star 8 and water star 8? They are at the sitting and facing palace, thus fulfilling the conditions for “Prosperous Mountain and Prosperous Water”.
Does that mean that the occupants will have great people and wealth luck? Not necessarily.
In Xuan Kong, land form matters.
The prosperous water star at the facing is energize if there is real physical water e.g. in the form of a land or pond, or abstract water in the form of an open space or lower land e.g. field or playground. Wealth matters are enhanced.
Similarly the prosperous mountain star at the sitting is energize if there is a real mountain – should be green and not rocky or has a collapsed face – or if supported by higher land or a large building. People matters are enhanced.
What if the land form is reversed i.e. mountain at the facing and water at the sitting?
Then it is considered to be lucky. The occupant’s people and wealth luck are expected to suffer.
Which bring us to “Up Mountain Down Water” or “Reversed Mountain Reversed Water” charts.
This is the type of chart where the prosperous water star 8 is at the sitting palace and the prosperous mountain star is at the facing palace. The general prognosis it is bad for people matters and bad for wealth matters.
Properties with this type of configuration in the current period 8 include those with facing directions NW1, SE1, SW2, SW3, NE2 and NE3.
Does that mean that the occupants will have poor people and wealth luck? Not necessarily.
Again land form matters.
If there is a good mountain at the facing and good water at the sitting, the negative quality of the chart is redeemed.
However it would be disastrous if there is water at the facing and mountain at the sitting. The mountain star which is responsible for people matters, now at the facing, falls into water and people matters suffer. It is much like falling and drowning in water and hence the term “Down Water”.
The prosperous water star, which is now at the sitting, is block by a mountain and is like trying to climb a mountain – an impossible task (water always flow down a mountain) – hence wealth matters suffer.
This is also the reason why it is not always favorable to have mountain at the back and water in front.